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   2 J7:A?>A??>>BC
   1 tica - The GeneticsLab                                                                                 -Los  Barbudos  Mutantes  Asesinos  -  TheKiller Mutants Bearded Men                                                          -La Mquina de Tostar Mineros - The  MinersToasting Machine                                                                    -El Altimo Dolor  de  Cabeza  -  The  LastHeadache                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Thanks to:                                                                       -Mathew  Smith,  for  the   original   andunvaluable Manic Miner.                                                             -Rick Swann,  for  the  levels  &  spriteseditors, and  for  his  artickle  'How  tohack' (available at                                                            
   1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-38+pt 0=39)
   1 nico-Suegril     -Telephonic-Motherinlawly Conversation                                               -La Venganza de Minos - Mino's Revenge                                              -La  Mare  del  Topo  I'm  NOT  going   totranslate this one.                                                                 -C
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   1 mo Coger un Ordenata en el CdC - How toGet  a  Computer  at   the   CdC   CdC   =mega-massified  computers  room   at   thecomputer sciences and statistics campus ofthe Seville University                                                              -En los Dominios del Makinavaja -  At  theMakinavaja's Domains, The most  famous  ofall spanish comic bank robberers.                                                   -La Charca  de  los  Ranobatracios  -  TheFrogobatrachian's Pond                                                              -El Laboratorio de Gen
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   1 guez Salas, for anothergreat  emulator,  the  SINCLAIR  (you  candownload it from                                                                                                      It's emulated  memory  editing  facilitieshelped me a lot when hacking the code.                                              -And  to  my  brother   Pablo,   for   histraduction into English of this file, who,poor little thing, begs for pardon. He didall his best.                                                                                                                 Ignacio                                   Perez Gil ([email protected])                                                  4-16-1998, Seville, Spain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
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   1 VDU 1,52,33,38,34,34                      VDU 1,52,33,34,33,34                      VDU 1,52,33,40,33,33                                                                User Defined Characters                                                             The Z88 has the ability to have up  to  64user defined characters. Characters can bedefined from CHR$(64), the  @  symbol,  toCHR$(127), ESC. They are  defined  in  thefollowing format:                                                                   VDU                                       1,138,ASC"=",ASC"char",n0,n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n                                          where char is  the  ASCII  character  thatthis new  character  is  assigned  to.  n0through n7 are the decimal equivalents  tothe binary code defining the character.                                             The characters are defined in a  6  columnby 8 row matrix. The rows are  defined  bythe numbers n1 to n7 in downward  sequence(n7 is the bottom row) and the columns aredefined by  th
   1 On the Z88, select R for  Receive  Xmodem.Enter the file to receive, but do not  hitreturn. On the QL,  hit  F3  to  get  intocommand mode. Enter XS  for  XMODEM  Send,enter a file name, but do not hit  return.On the Z88 hit return and then hit  returnon the QL.                                                                          As each block is sent, you  will  see  theprogress  on  both  computers.  Once   thetransfer is complete, QLterm will go  backto Terminal mode, and the Z88 will  switchto VT52 Terminal.  On  the  Z88,  hit  theIndex key and select Z88COMM and  you  areback where you started.                                                             From a QL:                                                                          On the QL, hit F3 to enter  command  mode.Enter XR for XMODEM Receive, enter a  filename and do not hit return.  On  the  Z88,hit S for send XMODEM. Enter a file  name,but do not hit return. Hit return  on  theQL and then hit return on the Z88. As eachblock is sent 
   1 Memory   Page   #'s    What    Max    Used------------------------------------------00 - 1F Internal ROM 512K 128K             20 - 3F Internal RAM 512K                32K 40 - 7F Slot 1 1024K                  80 - BF Slot 2 1024K                      C0 - FF Slot 3 1024K                                                                When a Z88 has 128K or more RAM it becomesan  expanded  machine.   Below   are   thedifferences  between   an   expanded   andunexpanded machine.                                                                 Property        Expanded        Unexpanded------------------------------------------Size of BASIC 40K 8K  Max  Map  Width  256pixels 80 pixels User Chars 64 16 Value ofEOF -1 0                                                                            Putting RAM in Slot 2 or 3 does not expandthe machine (only 8K for BASIC)  but  doesincrease  memory  size.   The   unexpandedmachine can use 64 user characters, but ifan 80 pixel map is used  the  last  48  ofthese   will  
   1 AN28.D    
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   1 20 a fewmonths ago. Ed>                                                                     Well  that  about  wraps  it  up  for  ourjourney back in time  for  this  issue.  Ihope that I have managed to  identify  thedifferent Multifaces for you. Ok,  I  knowthere  were  other  interfaces  like   thekempston for the disc drive only,  I  haveseen one but  not  used  one  so  I  can'tcomment on this. Also there was a Kempston'E' Interface around, I have used it but Ihave yet to find any interface better thanthe Disciple or the Plus-D, but of the twoI prefer the disciple.                                                              Well until the next issue...bye now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
   1 1998 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 00000000`00
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   1 )                                                         The commands  available  with  this  macrofile are as follows ([]  means  press  thesquare key):                                                                        Firstly, commands to start new  copies  ofapplications  without  having  to   scrollthrough the Index (using []B and []P  justre-enters a current version):                                                       []KB Start a new copy of BASIC []KP  Starta new copy of PipeDream                                                             Commands to cut and paste  blocks  betweendifferent copies of PipeDream:                                                      []KC Copy marked block to  clipboard  []KXCut marked block to clipboard  []KV  Pasteclipboard contents at c urrent slot                                                 Finally, commands to save and  load  plaintext files in PipeDream:                                                            []KL Load plain text file               
   1 &&o&+i+((&
   1 &&--+)(&$&()+
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1  |                                       |-------- 20                                                                                                                  Z88 PC DB9                                --- ------                                2 ---------------- 2                      3 ---------------- 3                      4 -| |- 7                                 5 -| |- 8                                 7 ---------------- 5                      8 ---------------- 4                      9 ---------------- 6                                                                                                                                                    Another way to do it is to  use  the  DB25cable and a 25 pin to 9  pin  adapter  (onthe PC end). These adapters  are  easy  tofind at most computer stores.                                                       Z88 Modem                                 --- -----                                 2 ---------------- 2                      3 -------------
   1  mentwas correct the ball disappears, down  thehole and the                                                                        player raises his arm in triumph!.                                _                 Throughout play  the  score  is  displayedeither in a window on  the  right  of  thescreen  (or  on  the  bottom  line  whilstputting). All the scoring and  adding  up,and how many shots under or over  par  andhow-many-yards-to-the-hole     are     allautomatically  calculated  and  constantlyupdated- as you would expect  where  thereis a computer involved.                                                             The game can be played by  either  one  ortwo players (no foursomes, unfortunately).It is easy for the wrong player to play  ashot  -  a  small  number  is   all   thatindicates who  is  to  play  next.  As  in"real" golf, after teeing off  It  is  theplayer who is furthest from the  hole  whoplays  the  next  shot  and  so  the  gamebecomes more and more like musical chairs.         
   1  est concentration. You  must  selectthe correct power of putt  to  propel  theball Into the hole. A power  indicator  onthe left of the green  oscillates  up  anddown and pressing the ENTER key halts  it.A nice animated sequence shows the  playerputt the ball, which trundles  across  thescreen toward the hole. if your Judg
   1  Solder the DC power plugto the wire the same as above. Then solderthe micro alligator clips to the wire.  Besure to mark which wire  is  positive  andnegative.  You   can   buy   color   codedalligator clamps, but  I  prefer  to  markeach wire with some tape and the +  and  -symbol. This way I don't have to  rememberthat the red lead is positive (or is  thatnegative?). Now just hook  the  clamps  tothe battery and plug into the Z88. I  haveno idea of how many hours you will get outof  either  battery  (I'm   guessing   itslot's). If you can't find these batteries,try a local  camping/outdoor  store.  Theyshould have them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           X
   1  LOAD PART 
   1   eously,  like  achess grand-master.                                                                 The graphics can become corrupted  if  youtry this, because the  program  re-definessome  of  the   graphic   characters   fordifferent stages of the game,  but  it  isstill great fun.                                                                    As the  Club's  Chief  Program  DestroyingExpert I am pleased to announce that  thisprogram is very hard to  de-rail.  becauseit only responds to the cursor keys,  plusENTER. ESCAPE, SPACE "1" and  "2",  it  isnot possible  to  crash  it  with  InvalidInput (it ignores all the other keys).                                              Details of the various courses are held inappropriately  named  files.  If  one   ismissing the program reports that it cannotfind  that  file.  while  the  program  isrunning the files are marked "in Use"  andcan not be deleted                                                                  Z88 Golf can be suspended at any time,
   1   *DELETE  -  DeleteFiles. 10 *DELETE pd/file -  Deletes  filein the pd subdirectory.                                                             *ERASE - Same as *DELETE.                                                           *REANME - Renames a file. Execute it  justlike *DELETE.                                                                       *NAME - Assigns a name to a BASIC program.                                                                                    The VDU Command                                                                     A number of less  documented  features  ofBBC  Basic  are  accessed  via   the   VDUcommand.  The  VDU   command   is   almostequivalent to the CHR$ command.  VDU  X  =CHR$(X). Using the  command  VDU  65  willprint out the A character ( A = ASCII 65).The ASCII codes from  0-31  and  127  willperform  special  tasks   with   the   VDUcommand. Not all of these VDU commands aredocumented.                                                                   
   1                       SEPT 1998        
   1                                           Z88 Printer                               --- -------                               2 ---------------- 3                      3 ---------------- 2                      4 ---------------- 5                      5 ---------------- 20                     7 ---------------- 7                      8 ---------------- 20                     9 ---------------- 6,8                                                                                                        Z88 Amstrad CPC6128                       --- ---------------                       2 ---------------- 3                      3 ---------------- 2                      4 ---------------- 5                      7 ---------------- 7                      5 ---------------- 20                      :                                        8-----|                                                                                                                       The Spectrum - Z88  pinout  below  assumesthe Spectrum h
   1                                           Example Z-Macro File by Garry Lancaster                                             The listing below is the file I  use  withZ-Macro. It should  be  typed  exactly  aslisted and saved as plain text to  a  filecalled :RAM.0/ZMACRO.MAC.                                                           The unusual  symbols  most  commonly  usedwithin the listing are:                   | vertical bar (next to DEL key)           ~ tilde (on same key as 
   1                                           CARE OF THE Z88                                                                     Cleaning                                                                            After having the Z88  a  short  time,  youwill probably  notice  that  the  keyboardseems to attract dust like a magnet.  It'snot easy to keep clean.  I've  heard  somediscussions on how best to clean it.                                                Some have  suggested  using  a  Q-tip  andplain water. I like to  use  a  Q-tip  andrubbing  alcohol.  Others  have  suggestedusing   a    vinyl    protectorant    likeSon-Of-A-Gun or Armor All.  I  don't  knowhow these will affect the keyboard, so useat your own risk.                                                                   Just don't plan on  keeping  the  keyboardclean always. Just  a  few  days  after  Icleaned mine, it looked like I  had  nevercleaned it.                                                                         As  for  the  
   1                                            The Solution to "Bored of the  Rings"  by             Delta 4 Software                                                          Solution by Oaf ([email protected])                                            Part 1.                                                                             wait, w, w, w, wait, e, e, s, s, hide,  n,n, n, e, e, e, e, s, d, e, e, e, s, e,  w,w, s, n, e, wait, e, shout help, e, e,  e,w, s, e, wait, n, w, n, e,  in,  in,  out,out, e, n, e, e, n, u, get pepper,  d,  s,e, e, e, e, e, in, e, s, e, e, n, e,  droppepper.                                                                             The passowrd to part 2 is "WOP"                                                     Part 2.                                                                                                                       e, e, get battery, w, insert battery,  getcoin, s, lift mat, get key, open door,  w,get gun, d, get treasure, u, e, give coin,get map, e, e,
   1                                              Profacekey AT Interface from Sintech           Reviewed by Garry Lancaster                                                 In the early days of the old  rubber-keyedSpeccy,   there   was   a   multitude   ofreplacement keyboards available that triedto overcome the machine's  worst  failing.Nowadays,   such   things    are    almostimpossible to come by, so for a long  timewe have been forced to make  do  with  theoriginal Sinclair keyboards (or  "upgrade"to a different machine).                                                            All that is now in the past, thanks  to  anew interface from  Sintech  which  allowsyou to connect any standard PC keyboard toyour Spectrum.                                                                      The interface is available in  two  forms:an internal kit  which  must  be  solderedonto your Spectrum's circuitboard, and  anexternal  cased  interface.  Being  of   anervous disposition, I  decided  upon  theexternal box. 
   1                                               The 4th NSSS & 8 Bit Computer Show                                                       Review by Garry Lancaster                                                  Early on a frosty Saturday morning late inFebruary, I left my home  and  cycled  thecouple of miles to  Bristol  Temple  Meadsstation to catch the train to York, for myfirst visit to the NSSS. After folding  upmy bike and stowing it in the luggage rack(to the usual curious  looks  from  fellowpassengers) I settled into  my  seat  withnothing but my trusty Z88 for company.                                              I spent  the  few  hours  of  the  journeycompleting the first  version  of  my  Z88utility "RomCombiner"  and  preparing  thedocumentation, as well  as  wondering  howthe show would compare to  the  Gloucesterone (much closer to me, but with virtuallyno  Spectrum  or   Z88   content   on   myone-and-only visit).                                                                Arriving in Yo
   1                                               MANIC MINER 5: Los peligros del LSD               (The perils of LSD)                                                     This time, Willy  had  planned  everythingwith much more care.  as  he  wanted  thismammoth  party  to  be  the   greater   inhystory, but without the 'slight  problem'of the  last  time,  everithing  had  beenorganized  with  the  greater   discretionpossible, avoiding then that  Maria  wouldnotice  anything  at   all.   Maria,   hisdominant housekeeper. The best part of hisscheme, what would grant Willy's  tranquilsleep without  any  bothering  housekeeperblocking the entry  of  his  bedroom,  hadbeen to give her the surprise  of  a  fullfree week.                                                                          It is true that he had a lot to achive hisgoal: her leaving through  a  whole  week,time she would spend visiting her  sister,until finaly she left grumbling because ofher suspicions, but hwo cares! In  a  weekhe would have 
   1                                               AUTO Deletion of Temporary Files                    by Conrad gempf                                                       Some of the functions recommended  in  theZ88 user manual can cause the creation  oftemporary files - files used to hold  datathat the little black box only  needs  forthe time being. An example of this is  thefile called :RAM.-/S .sgn that is  createdwhen you edit a BASIC program in PipeDreamusing the method described on page 182  ofthe manual. In  fact  this  file  and  itssister file :RAM.-/K.sqn are special filesthat can be used for a number of purp0ses,whenever  it  is  desirable  to   redirectkeyb0ard  input  or  screen  output.   Thedevice  name  :RAM.-   means   essentially"whatever RAM is available"" .  See  pages181-3 and 186 of the manual  for  creatingand using these files. I am concerned herewith erasing them once  they  have  servedtheir purpose, something  which  y0u  willnotice that the manual tells you always todo.           
   1                                                 Spectrum +2, +D, and RS232....                   at the same time                                                                                                 After my recent triumphant outburst over aworking  RS232  link  between  a  PC   andSpectrum  +2  with  attached  +D,  I  havereceived a couple of enquiries from peoplewho would  like  to  do  the  same  thing.Therefore I have collected the  stuff  andmethods I know till now, to present it  inC.S.S. Many thanks to  Miles  Kinloch  whohas   provided    me    with    invaluableinformation concerning how to  access  theRS232 routines in  the  128K  ROM.  Pleasenote that I have not tried out  everythingdue to severe time limitations. What I cando by now is  to  communicate  with  a  PCterminal programme, using Spectrum  Basic,and to download  data  and  (with  an  IF1attached) .SNA files  from  the  PC  usingHenk  de  Groot's  SPEC232  software   andStaffan   Kjerrstrom's   MOY.   (Brilliantpieces of soft
   1                                                 Back in time with Arnold Yates.                                               For our stroll back in time this issue,  Ithought I would shed  some  light  on  thevarious ways to copying  cassettes.  Let'sstart first and foremost with the obvious,tape to tape I found that  if  I  had  twotape recorders of the same make, and  theywere of the  older  type,  i.e.  no  fancystereo, as  the  spectrum  does  not  likestereo at all.  Well  then,  to  copy  onecassette to another was simply a matter ofconnecting the ear socket of one  recorderto the microphone socket on the other, andif the sound was matched from one recorderto the other then most times                                                        This worked quite well, but after  a  timethis became harder and harder to do as thepeople who produced the cassettes  startedto add some code  to  the  program,  whichresulted in when you loaded up  your  copyit crashed, hence goodbye to tape to tape.              
   1                                                 All the Official and Unofficial              Sequels of Jet Set Willy.                                                  This is a part of  the  JSW  Ultimate  FanPage - The most comprehensive one  on  theWeb.                                                                                      OFFICIAL AND UNOFFICIAL SEQUELS                                               Jet Set Willy had  one  official  and  sixunofficial sequels  written  by  differentauthors. Although they  never  gained  theabsolute success of the original one, theyare  still  very  popular  among  orthodoxjetseters all over the world.                                                       Here you can find all the  available  dataabout  them,  various   articles,   pokes,questions and answers... And if  YOU  havesomething interesting about Jet Set Willy,just mail me and share it with the others!                                                                                    Name      :JSW
   1                                                  Zoctor Vhiplashs Vorld of Sex             =============================                                                        er, no wrong column.. ahem..                                                             Roys Rantings                             /////////////                                                          ******************************************* Introducing ALCHEMIST SEX - Your Guide **    to 'educational' material on the    **              Internet.                 **                                        **   **       /communion/5/rbenson.html        *******************************************                                          Well what would you know, no sooner had  Isaid that there  were  no  more  emulatorsleft to review, then up pops this one...                                                              ZX32                                      ////                                  
   1                                                   Z88 TO SPECTRUM +2 AND BACK                      Peter Wheeler                                                        I've often thought it would be a good ideaif there was a portable SPECTRUM, and fromtime  to  time  have  tried   to   producesomething that could be used away  from  amains supply. At best the result was  only"transportable". So when ALCHNEWS 24  cameout in praise of the Z88, I was hooked.                                             Off went  my  order  to  Bill  Richardson,specifying a transfer  lead  suitable  forthe SPECTRUM +2.  A  few  days  later  thetelephone rang:- Bill :"They never made  alead for the SPECTRUM, only the QL."                                                Me :"Does it have a 9-pin plug to fit  theZ88, and a plug  at  the  other  end  thatlooks like a modern telephone plug?"                                                Bill :"Yes"                                                                         Me : "Right se
   1                                                   The SAMS 98 Show - Stafford                                                 The second of this years  shows  AlchemistResearch was  visiting  was  the  SAMS  98Computer and Electronics Show  at  BingleyHall, Staffordshire Showground,  Stafford.My (un)trusty colleagues  travelling  withme were my girlfriend Sian,  my  assistanteditor Mick, and our pal  Ian.We  left  at7.45am from  Mick's  place.  The  look  onIan's  face  was  something  of  impendingterror. Mick had told him  lots  of  scarestories about my driving. The fact I drivean imported left hand drive car  made  himfeel  no  easier.  But,  he  needn't  haveworried. With a car full of  junk,  erm  Imean, quality Sinclair hardware, I'd  takeit slowly. Plus, I'd  overcompensated  thejourney  time  so  needed  to  take  it  alitttle slowly.                                                                     We arrived at 9.30, just  in  time  beforethey stopped allowing  exhibitors  in!  Wedrove the car 
   1                                                   TF SERVICES - Z88 UPGRADES                                                  If you want  to  upgrade  your  Z88  to  areally powerful  machine  and  don't  mindundertaking  the  modifications  yourself,then  get  in  touch  with  TF   Services,operated by Tony Firshman:                                                          OZ4 on EPROM:        `6                                                             512k low power                            static RAM:          `23                                                            OZ4 and 512k                              upgrade:             `50                                                            All of  the  above  include  UK  post  andpackaging.                                                                                          TF SERVICES                            29 Longfield Road                               TRING                                     Herts                                
   1                                                    Why Classix had to go....                    by Alex Waddington                                                      So I  finally  did  it.  After  months  ofkidding myself that I would get  round  toproducing issue 7, I decided to call it  aday. For about a year I've done  odd  bitsand pieces in spare moments  but  it  justwasn't  fun  anymore.  Perhaps   it's   megetting old(er), developing new  interestsand looking for new goals.                                                          In  case  you  are  wondering   what   I'msentimentally droning  on  about,  let  meexplain. For about two years  I  edited  aretro  fanzine  called  Classix.  It   wasdedicated to the good old days of Spectrumcomputing  and  started  just  before  thewhole 'retro' thing became trendy. Issue 0appeared in January 1997  and  was  littlemore than a glorified catalogue,  offeringsecond  hand  software  for   dirt   cheapprices. The next issue included  a  coupleof reprinted a
   1                                                     8 BIT MAGAZINE TO CLOSE                                                   I'm  on  the  verge   of   cancelling   mycross-format magazine (so this is  not  anadvert) called 8BIT and refunding all  theunused  subscriptions  after  the  currentissue, which was due out Jan 1st 1998, andthe next one (a grand final round-up)  aredone. So if you're still waiting  for  themag, that's the latest.                                                             With 850+ subscribers  I  must  have  beendoing something  right,  and  it's  alwaysbeen on the right side of profitable,  butpressures of a new business mean  I  *haveto* give the thing that feeds  the  familypriority  in  terms  of  time  allocation.Perhaps these other guys have the same, ora similar, problem?                                                                 I'm still staying involved with the  other8-bit things I do, just not  tying  myselfto the millstone (which  it  what  it  hasbecome) of a p
   1                                                      The Community Future                          By The Editor                                                        With the closure of The ZX Files magazine,it always leads to speculation as  to  whois going to go next, and how much life theSpectrum scene still has left in it. It iswith this in  mind  that  inspired  me  towrite this article.                                                                              PROS AND NO CONS                                                       The good  thing  about  being  a  Sinclairowner is that once you have  your  set-up,that's it. No need to  buy  more  hardware(unless  you  need   to).   No   expensiveupgrades like PC users have to endure.  Noworry  about  software  -  there's   abackcatalogue  of  almost  twenty   years   ofprograms, books and data out there.                                                                                                           THE MARKET                              
   1                                                      THE VOICE CONTROLLER                           Kevin Gurd                                                          Wouldn't it be great if you could talk  toyour Spectrum? That's  exactly  what  thisproject promises. It is  simple  to  buildand operate and above all else its cheap!                                           There are a couple of  drawbacks  however.Its vocabulary is limited and to  get  thebest out of it, a M/C  program  should  bewritten. (A challenge to all those  codersout  there?)  I've  left   most   of   theconstruction details out  as  the  circuitdiagram and notes should suffice.                                                   The most crucial aspect of this project isthe 100k VR which should  be  mounted  foreasy  access.  When   connected   to   theSpectrum for  the  first  time  the  usualopening screen should be seen.Then the  VRwill need to be adjusted so that  the  LEDis on with the slightest sound  making  itflicker.  When
   1                                                      Classix Press Release                                                         From the Classix fanzine editor:                   J A Waddington                                                        After  a  long  period  of   silence   andnon-activity  on  the  Spectrum  scene,  adecision has been taken by me to stop  theproduction of Classix.                                                              Classix fanzine would like  to  take  thisopportunity to apologise to all those  whohave been waiting for the  last  year  forissue 7 to appear. This was  entirely  dueto my University  commitments  and  it  isacknowledged that  no-one  has  been  keptproperly informed.                                                                  It was envisaged that  Classix  productionwould  be  able  to  continue  despite  myworkload but it  has  now  become  obviousthat this was a false hope.                                                         This last year
   1                                                       THE Z88 SOURCE BOOK                                                                    INTRODUCTION                                                         The Z88 Source Book is designed  to  be  agood  reference  on  the   Z88,   how   tointerface it with the  world,  how  to  dothings with  it,  what  products  are/wereavailable, and what dealers carry them. Itis not designed to be  a  replacement  forthe Z88 User Guide, but as a supplement toit, filling in areas not  covered  by  theUser Guide.                                                                         This Source Book also comes with a  numberof utilities and files for the Z88  on  QLor MS-DOS  disks.  Although  the  Z88  caninterface with any computer with a  serialport, these are two that I have chosen  tofocus on. Those who  have  interfaced  theZ88 with other computers  can  submit  thedetails so that they may be added to  thisbook. All utilities that  come  with  thisbook are eithe
   1                                                        LORD OF THE RINGS                             Solution                                                                                                     PART 1                                                                              Open the drawer, chest, cupboard and door,take one of the canvas backpacks  and  putthe matchbox, bottle and food into it.  Goeast, then south to the main highway,  thewest until you reach the turn-off for  thetown hall. Go north and then east to  meetthe Mayor. Now go west,  south,  west  andwest to enter the  Mathom  House  (if  theguard refuses you entrance, just WEAR RINGand go west). In here take  the  book  andthe candle. Then go  west  until  you  areback at the highway outside your  cottage,then  go  east,  north-east,   north-east,south-east, south and  east  (through  theyellow door) to find Merry. EAT MEAL untilit's finished and go west  and  north.  Ifthere are no riders about go east and thensouth-east int
   1                                                        Jet Set Willy z88                          Dominic Morris                                                                                                  As those of you who have a z88  will  havenoticed there  has  been  quite  a  littleflurry of  new  software  for  this  greatmachine of late, and I'm proud to say thatI have been part of the industrious  crowdwhich has been responsible for this.                                                My  own  contributions  have  been   quitesmall, and I'm sure  that  they  would  befrowned upon by Cambridge  Computers  (thecreators of the z88),  for  the  erstwhilebusiness machine(!) has been turned into agames machine!                                                                      The first game  was  a  conversion  of  mySpectrum sokoban game,  retaining  all  ofthe  graphics  (though   sadly   not   thecolours) of  the  original  and  with  thefirst sound effects ever heard on the z88.However, this 
   1                                                        ANDRE'S NIGHT OFF                                                      Andres  Night  off  is  a  Basic   programwritten by Matthew Smith which appeared inthe June 1984 issue of Computer and  VideoGames. Here's the blurb  which  went  withthe listing  (fantastic  bit  of  writing,this) :                                                                                                                       "By now, most of you will have  played  orseen  Matthew  Smith's  latest  weird  andwonderful Miner Willy epic  from  SoftwareProjects, called Jet Set  Willy.  But  didyou know that Matthew had  an  idea  whichdidn't  quite  make  it  into  the   finalversion of that number one  hit  game  forthe Spectrum?                                                                       We bet  you  didn't!  Well,  Computer  andVideo games persuaded our Golden  JoystickAward  winner,  Matthew,  to  give  us  anexclusive listing of the  missing  screen.And now we're 
   1                                                         Z88 Forever ROM                                                               Compiled by Garry Lancaster                                                 I originally decided to  produce  the  Z88Forever  ROM  because  of  the  many  veryuseful  public  domain  applications   andpopdowns available for  the  Z88  which  I(and many other people)  were  simply  notusing, because  of  the  need  to  have  aseparate 32K ROM for each one. As most  ofthe programs took  nowhere  near  32K,  itseemed a good  idea  to  try  and  combineseveral of them into a single ROM.                                                  After contacting the authors  of  some  ofthe   applications   for   sources,    anddisassembling the others, I  compiled  thefirst version of the Z88 Forever ROM earlythis  year.  Since  then,  some   of   theprograms  have  been  improved  and   fivecompletely new ones have been added.                                                The latest ver
   1                                                         SPECTRUM PAGING                                                       About a year ago there was some talk  hereabout a bankswitched  memory  project  forthe Spectrum/ts2068. I have  been  quietlyworking on it off and  on  over  the  pastyear and managed to finish something  withmost of the features I  wanted  that  usedaround 20-25 TTL ICs. Needless to  say,  Iran into bus loading  problems  and  powersupply problems so I could only  test  thecircuit in pieces.                                                                  Since then,  the  FPGA  people  have  beenselling fully featured design software  atfire sale prices (<US$100). Over the  pastmonth, I have been transferring the designto a single XC4003E 84 pin FPGA.                                                    Datasheet from Xilinx at:                                                                                           I chose this p
   1                                                         M e g a C o d e                                                                      E X T R E M E                                                                                                             -> P O W E R    U P<-                                                                   revision 2.00                                                        In this  version  removed  some  bugs  andaccelerated six parts with  new  variationof effects.                                                                         This  demo  was  written   specially   forEnlight'97 ZX demo  competition.  We  hopeyou are fully satisfied by our work.  Democonsists 2 main parts, 3 sound  tracks,  9hand drawing  pictures,  21  effects,  172frames (528384 bytes) of realtime  loadinganims created in Amiga's CINEMA 4D.                                                                                           RequirementZ:                                           
   1                                                          TRADING POST                             **************                                                        Please enclose a SAE with your enquiry  toall services. If purchasing from a privateindividual, make confirmation the  articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used.                                          If your group isn't listed, please get  intouch and we'll add your details.                                                                    * * * * *                                                          ADVENTURE WORKSHOP                        36 Grasmere Road                          OLDHAM OL2 6SR                            (Adventure software distributor)                                                                                              ALBHAR                                    4 Bethune Close                           Farley Hill                               LUTON LU1 5LX 
   1                                                          THE ZX81 FAQ                                                                      Hello ZX81 fans,                                                                                                 Carlo Delhez gave me some  corrections  tobe made for the ZX81 FAQ (thank you Carlo)so I updated the FAQ, please use this copyfor distribution or cross mailings becauseit's more up to date and correct, the partthat is changed (you guessed it :-) is theXtender part, and also  the  URL  for  theZX81 magazine is given.                                                                                                       Here is the new ZX81 FAQ, if  any  changesneed to be made  or  things  to  be  addedplease let me know.                                                                         ([email protected])                                                                                                   The ZX81 Information letter                  Rev
   1                                                          1942 MISSION                                SOLUTION                                                           Start in the Briefing Room.                                                                                                   Get Boots, Wear Boots, N, Get  Knife,  GetPolish, Get Trowel, E, Get Photo,  ExaminePhoto (your passport photo), S, E,  S,  S,Remove Boots, Drop Boots, Get Shoes,  WearShoes,   N,   W,   Get   Parachute,   WearParachute, Blacken Face (with polish),  W,S(you are now inside the  aircraft,  whichtakes  off,  and  soon  you   circle   thedropping zone - note the message  `SEE  SSAgent !'), Get Torch, D (you now parachuteinto the  German  camp),  Dig  Hole  (withtrowel), Drop  Trowel,  Remove  Parachute,Bury Parachute (now remember the  previousmessage !), S, E, E, S, S, Say Scotch (theGerman guard gives you a pass), D,  N,  E,Get Biscuits, W, D,  W,  Close  Door,  GetBook, Open Book (the safe is in  a  cellarunder the Stud
   1                                                           SQ TRACKER                           A review by Ray Smith                                                    Having recently finally come to grips withSoundTracker and  producing  a  couple  ofrecognizable tunes with it, Andy sent me acopy of SQ tracker from  SINTECH  softwarerun by Tomas Eberle.                                                                This is a utility that  like  ST  aims  tomake writing music for the AY chip as EASYas possible. I use the term  easy  in  theloosest sense of the word !                                                         SQT is from a company called  Proxima  andwritten by George K. The following is  theopening blurb from the manual.                                                      " Every Speccy 128 or AY - based interfaceusers must have alreadu asked himself  howdid the author  composed  the  music.  Themore skilled of  us  know  polish  programSoundTracker that was  until  rcently  theone and only (
   1                                                            Z88 GOLF                               Michael W. Hey                                                        When I was a lad at school the nadir of myweek was the miserable two hours spent  onthe football pitch. Without my  spectaclesI could not even find the goal. never mindlocate  and  kick  a  moving   ball.   Anyopportunity to escape from the  field  waswelcome. When I reached the fourth year  Iwas introduced to golf This was much  morecivilised: you could play properly clothedfor a  start.  instead  of  rushing  rounddressed  ridiculously   In   shorts.   Nowreluctant sportsmen like me  do  not  evenneed to go out of doors,  because  someoneat Wordmongers has written a golf  programfor the Z88!                                                                                                                  To start the game you execute a CLI called"golf" supplied on the EPROM. This fetchesall  the  other  files  from   the   EPROMautomatically 
   1                                                             INDEX (1)                                                                                                   AN28.0 : This file                                                                  AN28.1 : NEWS.  Larger  than  normal  thisAN28.2 : issue.                                                                     AN28.3 : CLASSIX CLOSEDOWN.  The  official         press release                                                              AN28.4 : CLASSIX    CLOSEDOWN.     James's         personal account of the closure.                                           AN28.5 : 8 BIT CLOSEDOWN. Further details.                                          AN28.6 : THE COMMUNITY FUTURE. OK,  enough         of the  sadness,  let's  try  and         strengthen what we have.                                                   AN28.7 : THE NSS REVIEW. Garry Lancaster's         account  of  the  last   Wetherby         Show.                                          
   1                                                              NEWS                                                                        UPGRADE YOUR DISCDOS                                                     For any registered users of  DISCDOS,  nowis the time to upgrade. The latest versionfeatures many improvements and  bug  fixesand, like  before,  a  disk  full  of  theauthor's other programs.                                                            Registered users should  send  blank  3.5"disk (formatted with BFORMAT if  possible)and stamped addressed envelope to:                                                            ALCHEMIST TAPE SERVICES                      64 Stanhope Road                              SHEFFIELD                                  S12 2ER                                                                                                                                                            QUANTA USER GROUP                                                      It may come as
   1                                                                                    Z88 PC DB25                               --- -------                               2 ---------------- 3                      3 ---------------- 2                      |-4 4-|                                   |-5 5-|                                                                             6 6-|                                     7 ---------------- 7 |                    8 -------| 8-|